Loader animation.


Josie Tao stands for an independent Singer and Songwriter. I was born and raised in Zurich, Switzerland.
I guess there are a lot of people out there going through the same struggles. Many feelings that have never been expressed yet.
In rough times I wrote my thoughts down to reflect and realize. To take off a bit of weight on my shoulders.
With my music I wanna scream it out loud. To give a voice to the speechless - give hope for the hopeless - and perception to all those who feel alone - You are never alone!
The vulnerable and tender music conveys some brutal honesty and authenticity.
Next to my own music I always try to challenge myself with new projects with different artists in different genres.
No one ever stops learning! Challenge yourself~ Sky is the Limit!

Most people behave like atoms. They combine at the least resistance and are lazy.
The true art of life is not simply to give into resistance.
Not to choose the easiest way, but the best way even if it's the more difficult one.


- Josie Tao

I am involved in a Drum and Bass & Hip Hop Project.
On top of that I stay focus on writing and composing new music.
My new song "FREE BIRD", will be released soon.
The finetune and mastering is still pending. Stay ready for a song full of love!
Looking forward to that! I'll keep you updated!
xoxo, Josie


The Mess You Made

Locked Deep in My Heart


Click on the cover to get access more information about the tracks

Millimeter - Josie Tao

Locked Deep in My Heart - Josie Tao

Reflection - Michael Elliot & Josie Tao (ft. Leonardo Shine Paslestini)

End of Summer - Michael Elliot & Josie Tao

No Sleep Tonight - Michael Elliot & Josie Tao

So Alive - Michael Elliot & Josie Tao


My next Gig will stage on the 17.06. on a lovely Rooftop with a stunning view over Zurich City.
Interested? Contact me for more infos.
xxx, Josie

«Josie puts her heart and soul into her music & knows how to touch people emotionally
through her performance.» - Hannes Muik (Acting coach)

«Josie Tao is like a ray of sunshine. Her songs are beautifully sincere and emotional.»
- Andres Esteban (Singer & Vocal coach)